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EZ/UK Bond Supply Calendar: Netherlands, Italy & UK due Tues

Below are the known dates for auctions of European bonds and UK gilts. All times are UK.

DateTime (UK)CountryAmountTermMaturityNotes
27-Jun-231000AustriaE1bln4-monthOct 27, 2023Re-open
27-Jun-231000AustriaE1bln7-monthJan 25, 2024New
28-Jun-231000GreeceE375mln26-weekDec 29, 2023New
28-Jun-231000ItalyE2.5bln5-monthNov 30, 2023Re-open
28-Jun-231000ItalyE1.5bln6-monthJan 12, 2024Re-open
30-Jun-231100UKGBP1.0bln1-monthJul 31, 2023Re-open
30-Jun-231100UKGBP2.0bln3-monthOct 2, 2023Re-open
30-Jun-231100UKGBP2.5bln6-monthJan 2, 2024New
03-Jul-231030GermanyE2bln3-monthOct 18, 2023Re-open
03-Jul-231030GermanyE4bln9-monthApr 17, 2024Re-open
03-Jul-231030NetherlandsTBA 28-Jun3-monthSep 28, 2023Re-open
03-Jul-231030NetherlandsTBA 28-JunTBARe-open
03-Jul-231350FranceTBATBA 30-JunBTF
04-Jul-230945SpainTBA 3-Jul6-monthJan 12, 2024Re-open
04-Jul-230945SpainTBA 3-Jul12-monthJul 5, 2024New
04-Jul-231030BelgiumTBA 30-JunShortNov 9, 2023Re-open
04-Jul-231030BelgiumTBA 30-JunMediumJan 11, 2024Re-open
10-Jul-231030GermanyE5bln6-monthJan 17, 2024Re-open
10-Jul-231350FranceTBATBA 7-JulBTF
11-Jul-230945SpainTBA 10-Jul3-monthOct 6, 2023Re-open
11-Jul-230945SpainTBA 10-Jul9-monthApr 12, 2024Re-open
11-Jul-231030BelgiumTBA 7-JulShortNov 9, 2023Re-open
11-Jul-231030BelgiumTBA 7-JulLongJul 11, 2024New
12-Jul-231000ItalyTBA 7-Jul12-monthTBA 7-JulNew
17-Jul-231030GermanyE5bln12-monthJul 17, 2024New
17-Jul-231030NetherlandsTBA 12-Jul4-monthOct 30, 2023Re-open
17-Jul-231030NetherlandsTBA 12-JulTBARe-open
17-Jul-231350FranceTBATBA 14-JulBTF
24-Jul-231030GermanyE2bln5-monthDec 13, 2023Re-open
24-Jul-231030GermanyE4bln11-monthJun 19, 2023Re-open
24-Jul-231350FranceTBATBA 21-JulBTF
25-Jul-231000AustriaTBA 30-JunTBATBA 30-Jun
26-Jul-231000ItalyTBA 21-Jul6-monthTBA 21-JulNew
31-Jul-231350FranceTBATBA 28-JulBTF
01-Aug-231030BelgiumTBA 28-JulShortNov 9, 2023Re-open
07-Aug-231030GermanyE2bln3-monthNov 22, 2023Re-open
07-Aug-231030GermanyE4bln9-monthMay 15, 2024Re-open
07-Aug-231030NetherlandsTBA 2-Aug3.5-monthNov 29, 2023Re-open
07-Aug-231030NetherlandsTBA 2-Aug6-monthJan 30, 2024New
07-Aug-231350FranceTBATBA 4-AugBTF
08-Aug-230945SpainTBA 7-Aug6-monthFeb 9, 2024Re-open
08-Aug-230945SpainTBA 7-Aug12-monthAug 9, 2024New
08-Aug-231030BelgiumTBA 4-AugShortNov 9, 2023Re-open
08-Aug-231030BelgiumTBA 4-AugLongJul 11, 2024Re-open
10-Aug-231000ItalyTBA 7-Aug12-monthTBA 7-AugNew
14-Aug-231030GermanyE5bln6-monthFeb 21, 2024Re-open
14-Aug-231350FranceTBATBA 11-AugBTF
16-Aug-230945SpainTBA 14-Aug3-monthNov 10, 2023Re-open
16-Aug-230945SpainTBA 14-Aug9-monthMay 10, 2024Re-open
21-Aug-231030GermanyE5bln12-monthAug 21, 2024New
21-Aug-231030NetherlandsTBA 16-Aug3-monthOct 30, 2023Re-open
21-Aug-231030NetherlandsTBA 16-Aug5-monthJan 30, 2024Re-open
21-Aug-231350FranceTBATBA 18-AugBTF
22-Aug-231000AustriaTBA 30-JunTBATBA 30-Jun
28-Aug-231030GermanyE3bln5-monthJan 17, 2024Re-open
28-Aug-231030GermanyE3bln11-monthJul 17, 2024Re-open
28-Aug-231350FranceTBATBA 25-AugBTF
29-Aug-231000ItalyTBA 24-Aug5-monthTBA 24-AugRe-open
04-Sep-231030GermanyE2bln3-monthDec 13, 2023Re-open
04-Sep-231030GermanyE4bln9-monthJun 19, 2023Re-open
04-Sep-231030NetherlandsTBA 30-Aug2.5-monthNov 29, 2023Re-open
04-Sep-231030NetherlandsTBA 30-Aug6-monthFeb 28, 2024New
04-Sep-231350FranceTBATBA 1-SepBTF
05-Sep-230945SpainTBA 4-Sep6-monthMar 8, 2024Re-open
05-Sep-230945SpainTBA 4-Sep12-monthSep 6, 2024New
05-Sep-231030BelgiumTBA 1-SepShortJan 11, 2024Re-open
05-Sep-231030BelgiumTBA 1-SepMediumMar 7, 2024Re-open
11-Sep-231030GermanyE5bln6-monthMar 20, 2024Re-open
11-Sep-231350FranceTBATBA 8-SepBTF
12-Sep-230945SpainTBA 11-Sep3-monthDec 8, 2023Re-open
12-Sep-230945SpainTBA 11-Sep9-monthJun 7, 2024Re-open
12-Sep-231000ItalyTBA 7-Sep12-monthTBA 7-SepNew
12-Sep-231030BelgiumTBA 8-SepShortJan 11, 2024Re-open
12-Sep-231030BelgiumTBA 8-SepLongSep 12, 2024New
18-Sep-231030GermanyE5bln12-monthSep 18, 2024New
18-Sep-231030NetherlandsTBA 13-Sep4-monthJan 30, 2024Re-open
18-Sep-231030NetherlandsTBA 13-Sep5-monthFeb 28, 2024Re-open
18-Sep-231350FranceTBATBA 15-SepBTF
25-Sep-231030GermanyE3bln5-monthFeb 21, 2024Re-open
25-Sep-231030GermanyE3bln11-monthAug 21, 2024Re-open
25-Sep-231350FranceTBATBA 22-SepBTF
26-Sep-231000AustriaTBA 30-JunTBATBA 30-Jun
27-Sep-231000ItalyTBA 22-Sep6-monthTBA 22-SepNew
02-Oct-231030GermanyE3bln3-monthJan 17, 2024Re-open
02-Oct-231030GermanyE3bln9-monthJul 17, 2024Re-open
02-Oct-231350FranceTBATBA 29-SepBTF
03-Oct-230945SpainTBA 2-Oct6-monthApr 12, 2024Re-open
03-Oct-230945SpainTBA 2-Oct12-monthOct 4, 2024New
03-Oct-231030BelgiumTBA 29-SepShortJan 11, 2024Re-open
09-Oct-231030GermanyE5bln6-monthApr 17, 2024Re-open
09-Oct-231350FranceTBATBA 6-OctBTF
10-Oct-231030BelgiumTBA 6-OctShortJan 11, 2024Re-open
10-Oct-231030BelgiumTBA 6-OctLongSep 12, 2024Re-open
11-Oct-231000ItalyTBA 6-Oct12-monthTBA 6-OctNew
16-Oct-231030GermanyE5bln12-monthOct 16, 2024New
16-Oct-231350FranceTBATBA 13-OctBTF
17-Oct-230945SpainTBA 16-Oct3-monthJan 12, 2024Re-open
17-Oct-230945SpainTBA 16-Oct9-monthJul 5, 2024Re-open
23-Oct-231030GermanyE3bln5-monthMar 20, 2024Re-open
23-Oct-231030GermanyE3bln11-monthSep 18, 2024Re-open
23-Oct-231350FranceTBATBA 20-OctBTF
24-Oct-231000AustriaTBA 29-SepTBATBA 29-Sep
26-Oct-231000ItalyTBA 23-Oct5-monthTBA 23-OctRe-open
30-Oct-231030GermanyE3bln3-monthFeb 21, 2024Re-open
30-Oct-231030GermanyE3bln9-monthAug 21, 2024Re-open
30-Oct-231350FranceTBATBA 27-OctBTF
31-Oct-231030BelgiumTBA 27-OctShortMar 7, 2024Re-open
31-Oct-231030BelgiumTBA 27-OctMediumMay 9, 2024Re-open
06-Nov-231030GermanyE5bln6-monthMay 15, 2024Re-open
06-Nov-231350FranceTBATBA 3-NovBTF
07-Nov-230945SpainTBA 6-Nov6-monthMay 10, 2024Re-open
07-Nov-230945SpainTBA 6-Nov12-monthNov 8, 2024New
07-Nov-231030BelgiumTBA 3-NovShortMar 7, 2024Re-open
07-Nov-231030BelgiumTBA 3-NovLongNov 7, 2024New
09-Nov-231000ItalyTBA 6-Nov12-monthTBA 6-NovNew
13-Nov-231030GermanyE3bln5-monthApr 17, 2024Re-open
13-Nov-231030GermanyE3bln11-monthOct 16, 2024Re-open
13-Nov-231350FranceTBATBA 10-NovBTF
14-Nov-230945SpainTBA 13-Nov3-monthFeb 9, 2024Re-open
14-Nov-230945SpainTBA 13-Nov9-monthAug 9, 2024Re-open
20-Nov-231030GermanyE4bln12-monthNov 20, 2024New
20-Nov-231350FranceTBATBA 17-NovBTF
27-Nov-231030GermanyE3bln3-monthMar 20, 2024Re-open
27-Nov-231030GermanyE3bln9-monthSep 18, 2024Re-open
27-Nov-231350FranceTBATBA 24-NovBTF
28-Nov-231000AustriaTBA 21-NovTBATBA 29-Sep
28-Nov-231000ItalyTBA 23-Nov6-monthTBA 23-NovNew
04-Dec-231030GermanyE3bln5-monthMay 15, 2024Re-open
04-Dec-231030GermanyE3bln11-monthNov 20, 2024Re-open
04-Dec-231350FranceTBATBA 1-DecBTF
05-Dec-230945SpainTBA 4-Dec6-monthJun 7, 2024Re-open
05-Dec-230945SpainTBA 4-Dec12-monthDec 6, 2024New
05-Dec-231030BelgiumTBA 1-DecShortMar 7, 2024Re-open
11-Dec-231030GermanyE3bln6-monthJun 19, 2023Re-open
11-Dec-231030GermanyE3bln12-monthDec 11, 2024New
11-Dec-231350FranceTBATBA 8-DecBTF
12-Dec-230945SpainTBA 11-Dec3-monthMar 8, 2024Re-open
12-Dec-230945SpainTBA 11-Dec9-monthSep 6, 2024Re-open
12-Dec-231000ItalyTBA 6-Dec12-monthTBA 6-DecNew
12-Dec-231030BelgiumTBA 8-DecShortMar 7, 2024Re-open
12-Dec-231030BelgiumTBA 8-DecLongNov 7, 2024Re-open
18-Dec-231350FranceTBATBA 15-DecBTFOptional
19-Dec-231000AustriaTBATBAReserve auction
27-Dec-231000ItalyTBA 20-Dec5-monthTBA 20-DecRe-open
27-Dec-231350FranceTBATBA 22-DecBTFOptional
09-Jan-240945SpainTBA 8-Jan6-monthJul 5, 2024Re-open
09-Jan-240945SpainTBA 8-Jan12-monthJan 10, 2025New
10-Jan-241000ItalyTBA 5-Jan12-monthTBA 5-JanNew
16-Jan-240945SpainTBA 15-Jan3-monthApr 12, 2024Re-open
16-Jan-240945SpainTBA 15-Jan9-monthOct 4, 2024Re-open
26-Jan-241000ItalyTBA 23-Jan6-monthTBA 23-JanNew

See the notes section at the bottom for more colour.

  • Austria plans to hold 3 to 4 RAGB syndications in 2023. It launched the held its first on 4 January (10-year 2.90% Feb-33 RAGB) and on 18 April held a dual-tranche to launch the 2.90% May-29 Green RAGB and the 30-year 3.15% Oct-53 RAGB.
  • Belgium has held its three planned new OLOs syndications for 2023: it launched the 10-year 3.00% Jun-33 OLO on 10 January, the 30-year 3.30% Jun-54 OLO on 15 February and the 20-year 3.45% Jun-43 OLO on 16 May.
  • The EFSF plans to issue E20bln in 2023 while the ESM plans to issue E8bln in 2023. As in 2022, it will not publish planned issuance windows.
  • Finland plans to launch three new bonds via syndication in 2023 and has already launched the 3.00% Sep-33 RFGB on 26 April and the 2.75% Apr-38 RFGB on 26 January. It plans to issue a 5-year RFGB in H2.
  • France planned 2023 new issues: one new 3-year OAT (2.50% Sep-26 OAT launched on 16 February), one new 5/6-year OAT (2.75% Feb-29 OAT launched on 20 April), two new 10-year OATs via auction (the first the 3.00% May-33 OAT launched on 6 April), new 30-year OAT via syndication (3.00% May-54 OAT launched 7 February), 15-20-year OATi (0.55% Mar-39 OATi launched on 7 June) and one new 10-year OATei.
  • Germany plans to hold a total of four syndications in 2023. It has already tapped the 1.80% Aug-53 Bund on 23 February, launched the 10-year 2.30% Feb-33 Green Bund on 25 April and launched the 30-year 1.80% Aug-53 Green Bund on 13 June. It plans one further non-green transaction.
  • Greece plans to issue its inaugural Green GGB in H2-2023.
  • Ireland only planned to hold at least one syndication in 2023 and it has already launched the 20-year 3.00% Oct-43 Green IGB on 5 January.
  • Italy Q3 issuance plans:
    • BTP Short-Term: Reopen 3.40% Mar-25 BTP Short Term (minimum E9bln outstanding already exceeded) and launch new BTP Short Term maturing 29 September 2025 (minimum E9bln outstanding).
    • 3-year BTP: Launch with maturity 15 September 2026 (minimum E9bln outstanding).
    • 5-year BTP: Reopen 3.80% Aug-28 BTP (minimum outstanding E10bln may be exceeded after end-of-June auction).
    • 7-year BTP: Reopen 3.70% Jun-30 BTP (minimum outstanding E10bln already exceeded) and launch new 7-year BTP with maturity 15 November 2030 (minimum outstanding E10bln to be exceeded after end-of-June auction).
    • 10-year BTP: Reopen 4.35% Nov-33 BTP (minimum outstanding E10bln) and launch new 10-year BTP with maturity 1 March 2034 (minimum outstanding E10bln).
  • Slovakia's investor presentation ahead of the June syndication noted it expected to raise E4.0-5.0bln through syndications. This has already been exceeded with a total of E5.5bln raised through the launch of the 12-year 3.75% Feb-35 SlovGB and the 20-year 4.00% Feb-43 SlovGB in a dual-tranche transaction on 15 February and the 10-year 3.625% Jun-33 SlovGB on 1 June.
  • The UK DMO will hold its consultation meetings with investors and GEMMs to discuss FQ3 (July to September) issuance operations on 29 August.

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