March 05, 2025 08:23 GMT
CZECHIA: Feb CPI Meets Expectations, Lipavsky To Contest Elex As ODS Candidate
- Seznam Zpravy reported that Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky will run in the upcoming parliamentary election from the Spolu coalition's Prague list, likely from the third spot. The decision is expected to be formally announced during a press conference this morning. Lipavsky took on a cabinet role as a member of the Pirate Party but left the formation after it split from the governing coalition and held onto his portfolio. He will contest the next election from Prime Minister Petr Fiala's ODS, despite earlier negotiating with Chamber of Deputies Speaker Marketa Pekarova Adamova's TOP 09. Both parties are members of the Spolu alliance alongside KDU-CSL. According to local media, Defence Minister Jana Cernochova (ODS) will most likely lead Spolu's Prague list after Pekarova Adamova announced her plan to retire from politics.
- Czechia's headline inflation edged lower to +2.7% Y/Y in February from +2.8% prior, according to preliminary data released by the CZSO this morning. This was in line with the consensus forecast and marginally above the CNB's projection (+2.6%). Central bank staff will not release the traditional comments on inflation data until the publication of the final report on March 11.
- Lawmakers rejected the presidential veto of legislation regulating the salaries of senior politicians and judges, but the opposition warned that it will likely be challenged in the Constitutional Court.
- President Petr Pavel will meet with his Slovak (Peter Pellegrini) and Austrian (Alexander Van der Bellen) counterparts today in the so-called Slavkov format (S3) to discuss cross-border cooperation and foreign policy.
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