November 27, 2024 09:19 GMT
FINANCIALS: Abanca - New Issue - 12NC7 Tier 2 - IPT MS+275
- We see FV at MS+250. Likely the syndicate will be aiming for +245 here.
- BAMIIM 4.5% 2036 is the closes rated comp at this maturity. It was trading at c.MS+220 before the UCGIM rumours caused it to rally. Looking at the difference between the ABANCA 8.375% 2033 and the BAMIIM 5% 2034 , ABANCA has done well this year, narrowing the spread gap to just 30bps, before the UCGIM announcement. Our FV puts the new ABANCA 25bps wide of the 7y BAMIIM, adjusting for the curve.
- +250 put the gap between the recently issued ISPIM 4.271% 2036 and the new ABANCA slightly wider than the gap between the ABANCA 8.375% 2033 and the ISPIM 6.184% 2034 with the higher rated issuers curve expected to be flatter
- Expected ratings Ba1/NR/BB
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