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Focus more on midweek data..........>

US DATA PREVIEW: Focus more on midweek data events. On tap for Wednesday: CPI;
Atlanta Fed inflation; Mar Kansas City Fed LMCI; Mar Treasury budget balance;
March FOMC minutes.
- After February lagged, Morgan Stanley economists expect March CPI to
accelerate by 0.22% "slightly above the six-month average of 0.19%. With a jump
in energy prices along with a solid gain in food prices, we see headline CPI
advancing 0.47%."
- On March minutes, RBS NatWest economists aren't expecting "much new
information to be revealed ... especially since numerous Fed officials have
spoken since the March 20th gathering and their "wait-and-see" message has been
consistent with the March FOMC dot plot, policy statement and Chair Powell's
press conference." RBS said "perhaps one of the more interesting aspects of the
FOMC minutes may be the degree of concern among the Committee concerning
downside risks
to the inflation outlook."

To read the full story



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