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France taps 4 OATs...........>

FRANCE AUCTION PREVIEW: France taps 4 OATs Thursday for a fairly decent
E8.0-E9.0bln indicative size. On offer are OAT 0.5% May-26, OAT 0.75% May-28,
OAT 4.5% Apr-41 and OAT 2.0% May-48, so potentially a lot of duration. 
- BACKGROUND: No coupon or redemption flows to help, although E13bln of a French
bond redeemed on Monday past. The French AFT tends to always issue at total at
the top of the target range. 
- RV: The off-the-run OAT 4.5% Apr-41 would be directed at either a dealer short
or life insurers, it looks cheaper to a spline curve than slightly shorter 15Y
paper.  The other off-the-run, the May-26 looks expensive to the spline curve,
although comparing swap spreads gives a slightly different result. Most interest
should be on the 0.75% May-28 but this no longer looks cheap to Germany
following a mini-rally in the periphery and semi core. Some have suggested
shorting Italy vs France ahead of the weekend election.
- RESULTS: Nominal bidding closes at 0950GMT. Results are due around 1000GMT

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