November 25, 2024 09:26 GMT
GERMAN DATA: IFO Matches PMI in Services Decline; Falls Below Expectations
Germany's IFO Business Climate Index fell in November, to 85.7 (86.5 prior), also coming in short of expectations of 86.0. The print broadly mirrors Friday's flash PMI release in that the services sector saw a clear decline - however, in the IFO, also manufacturing went weaker again. Overall, the print underpins the narrative of ongoing weakness in the German economy.
- The main downside driver was the current assessment, which declined to 84.3 (vs 85.5 cons; 85.7 prior). However, also expectations were slightly weaker than before, at 87.2 (vs 87.0 cons; 87.3 prior).
- Across sectors, manufacturing firms were less optimistic again in their expectations after some improvement in October. For services firms, both the current assessment and outlook went clearly worse (mirroring Friday's flash PMI). In trade, the barometer rose slightly from a low level, while it fell again in construction.

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