March 10, 2025 14:25 GMT
POWER: German Energy Lobby Criticizes Lack of Heating Topic in Talks
Germany’s energy lobby group BDEW is criticizing Germany’s future coalition government for not including the “heating sector” in its exploratory talks and calls for a holistic heat package, in addition to a simplification of the planned Building Energy Act by 2026.
- BDEW also calls on the government to add base-load capacity to the market, for which it demands the government must have a 100-day agenda to define the framework conditions.
- Germany’s new coalition government plans to add 20GW of new gas power plants.
- “It must be examined whether bringing reserve power plants back into the electricity market would have a negative impact on the profitability of new plants, for example gas-fired power plants, storage facilities and renewable energies”, BDEW said.
- The group is supporting the coalition’s plans to lower the power tax.
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