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Germany Data: NSA Unemployment Summary Table

Release for: February 2018
Source: Federal Labor Office
Unadjusted data for west, east and pan-Germany
                                  Feb18      Jan18      Dec17      Nov17
East Germany:
Civilian unemployment rate          7.7        7.7        7.1        7.0
Total unemployed                646,549    651,960    602,227    589,566
Net change                       -5,411     49,733     12,661    589,566
Total job-vacancies             146,334    140,721    143,469    145,117
Net change                        5,613     -2,748     -1,648    145,117
Pan- Germany:
Civilian unemployment rate          5.7        5.8        5.3        5.3
Total unemployed              2,545,936  2,570,311  2,384,961  2,368,411
Net change                      -24,375    185,350     16,550  2,368,411
Total job-vacancies             764,247    736,231    761,237    772,205
Net change                       28,016    -25,006    -10,968    772,205
West Germany:
Civilian unemployment rate          5.3        5.3        4.9        4.9
Total unemployed              1,899,387  1,918,351  1,782,734  1,778,845
Net change                      -29,786    235,083     29,211  2,957,977
Total job-vacancies             616,033    593,580    615,660    624,844
Net change                       22,453    -22,080     -9,184    624,844

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