October 15, 2024 09:54 GMT
GERMANY: Industry Employers' Wage Offer Below Recent Standards vs Union Demands
"German employers offer 1.7% wage increase for workers in auto, metal and electrical industries from July 2025, another 1.9% increase a year after over 27-month period", Reuters reports in a sources report. Additional colour below:
- This compares to IG Metall demands of a 7% wage increase for a 12-month contract.
- This is the second round of central negotiations in the industry after agreements impacting at least 3.7mln contracts (around 8% of total employment) expired in September.
- Recent IG Metall contract negotiations eventually yielded a yearly wage increase of around half to 2/3rds of the initial demands - so significantly more than the offer reported by Reuters would equate to. We would be surprised if the offer just out will be accepted without further negotiations.
- If no agreement is struck, strikes are possible starting October 29.
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