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Gilts opened a touch lower but have....>

GILT SUMMARY: Gilts opened a touch lower but have quickly squeezed higher
supported by a risk-off sentiment flows as pressure mounts on PM May and her
government on Brexit and some soft data from both the UK and France. 10-yr Gilt
yield is 2.1bp lower at 1.539%.
- According to a Bloomberg story eight Tory MPs (rebels) have backed an
amendment to the Trade Bill to keep UK in a customs union with the EU. The Tory
government have a working majority of only 13 MPs and so anymore joining the
rebels could lead to a heavy defeat for PM May.
- While in Brussels Eu chief negotiator Michel Barnier has called on David Davis
to travel to Brussels to work on the transitional agreement that is in danger of
missing the March deadline. While the Eu is set to release its draft Brexit deal
today that is expected to be rejected by PM May.
- Overnight saw GfK consumer confidence and Lloyds business barometer slip lower
and shop prices deflation rose. While French flash inflation surprised to the
- There is no further data from the UK today, so all eyes will be on EMU CPI.

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