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Global News and Data Calendar

--Rating: *** most market sensitive, * least market sensitive
Date    GMT /Local          Event
18-Sep  0845/1045       EU  ECB Supervisory Board member Ignazio Angeloni
                              participation in panel discussion at Italian
                              Banking Conference 2017, in Rome.
18-Sep  0900/1100  ***  EU  HICP (f)
18-Sep  1230/0830  **   US  NY Fed Business Leaders Survey
18-Sep  1230/0830  *    CA  International Canadian Transaction in Securities
18-Sep  1400/1000  **   US  NAHB Home Builder Index
18-Sep  1430/1630       EU  ECB Executive Board member Sabine Lautenschlaeger
                              participation in Panel II "Policy challenges in
                              the banking sector" at conference organised by
                              BIS, in Basel, Switzerland.
18-Sep  1500/1600       UK  BOE Governor Mark Carney to Speak, Washington DC
18-Sep  1700/1900       DE  BBK Board member Joachim Wuermeling speech at
                              Investment Conference of Mandarine Gestion, in
18-Sep  1815/1415       CA  BOC Deputy Gov Timothy Lane speech at Saskatoon
                              Regional Economic Development Authority Saskatoon,
18-Sep  2000/1600  **   US  TICS
19-Sep      -           US  FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
19-Sep  2330/0930  **   AU  ANZ-Roy Morgan Consumer Confidence
19-Sep  0130/1130  *    AU  House Price Index
19-Sep  0130/1130  ***  AU  RBA board meeting minutes
19-Sep  0800/1000  **   EU  current account
19-Sep  0900/1100  **   EU  construction production
19-Sep  0900/1100  ***  DE  ZEW Current Conditions Index
19-Sep  0900/1100  ***  DE  ZEW Current Expectations Index
19-Sep  1230/0830  ***  US  housing starts
19-Sep  1230/0830  *    US  current account balance
19-Sep  1230/0830  **   US  import/export price index
19-Sep  1230/0830  ***  CA  Monthly Survey of Manufacturing
19-Sep  1255/0855  **   US  Redbook Retail Sales Index
20-Sep      -           JP  BOJ holds two-day policy board meeting
20-Sep      -           US  FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
20-Sep  2245/1045  **   NZ  Current account balance
20-Sep  2350/0850  **   JP  Trade
20-Sep  0030/1030  *    AU  Westpac-MI leading index
20-Sep  0230/1230       AU  RBA asst. governor Ellis speaks at Australian
                              Business Economists conference in Sydney. Also Q&A
20-Sep  0600/0800  **   DE  PPI
20-Sep  0830/0930  ***  UK  Retail Sales
20-Sep  0830/0930       UK  BOE Agents' Business Summary
20-Sep  1100/0700  **   US  MBA weekly applications index
20-Sep  1230/1430       DE  BBK Board member Carl-Ludwig Thiele speech at
                              OMFIF - roundtable discussion, in London.
20-Sep  1400/1000  ***  US  NAR existing home sales
20-Sep  1430/1030  **   US  DOE weekly crude oil stocks
20-Sep  1600/1800       DE  BBK Board member Johannes Beermann speech at the
                              reception of the headquarters in Saxony and
                              Thuringia on the occasion of the 60th anniversary
                              of the Deutsche Bundesbank, in Leipzig, Germany.
20-Sep  1800/1400       US  FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
20-Sep  1800/1400       US  Fed release summary of economic projections.
20-Sep  1830/1430       US  Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen press
                              conference, in Washington.
21-Sep      -           JP  BOJ holds two-day policy board meeting
21-Sep      -           AU  RBA governor Lowe speaks at American Chamber of
                              Commerce in Australia Business Briefing in Perth.
                              Also Q&A
21-Sep  2245/1045  ***  NZ  GDP
21-Sep  2245/1045  *    NZ  Net monthly migration
21-Sep  0330/1230       JP  BOJ releases outcome of two-day policy board
                              meeting, monetary policy statement, quarterly
                              Outlook Report
21-Sep  0545/0745  *    CH  GDP forecast
21-Sep  0630/1530       JP  BOJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda news conference
21-Sep  0700/0300  *    ES  services survey
21-Sep  0700/0300  *    ES  industrial orders
21-Sep  0800/1000       NO  Norges Bank Policy Decision
21-Sep  0830/0930  ***  UK  Public Sector Finances
21-Sep  0930/1130       EU  ECB Executive Board member Peter Praet chair the
                              policy panel at the ECB conference, in Frankfurt.
21-Sep  1230/0830  **   US  Jobless Claims
21-Sep  1230/0830  **   CA  Wholesale Trade
21-Sep  1230/0830  **   US  Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index
21-Sep  1300/0900  **   US  FHFA Home Price Index
21-Sep  1315/1515       EU  ECB President Mario Draghi welcome remarks at ESRB
                              Annual Conference, in Frankfurt.
21-Sep  1345/0945  *    US  Bloomberg Comfort Index
21-Sep  1400/1000  **   US  leading indicators
21-Sep  1400/1600  **   EU  consumer confidence indicator (p)
21-Sep  1430/1030  **   US  Natural Gas Stocks
21-Sep  1600/1200  *    US  Fed domestic non-financial debt
21-Sep  2030/1630  **   US  Fed Weekly Money Supply Data
22-Sep      -           UK  PM Theresa May keynote Brexit speech, Florence
22-Sep  0645/0845  ***  FR  GDP (f)
22-Sep  0645/0845       EU  ECB Supervisory Board member Pentti Hakkarainen
                              participating in session 1 at 2nd ESRB annual
                              conference, in Frankfurt.
22-Sep  0700/0900  **   FR  Markit Manufacturing PMI (p)
22-Sep  0700/0900  **   FR  Markit Services PMI (p)
22-Sep  0715/0915       EU  ECB Executive Board member Benoit Coeure keynote
                              statement at conference on the occasion of the
                              20th Anniversary of the Central Bank of Bosnia and
                              Herzegovina, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
22-Sep  0730/0930  **   DE  Markit Manufacturing PMI (p)
22-Sep  0730/0930  **   DE  Markit Services PMI (p)
22-Sep  0800/1000  **   EU  Markit Manufacturing PMI (p)
22-Sep  0800/1000  **   EU  Markit Services PMI (p)
22-Sep  0800/1000  **   EU  Markit Composite PMI (p)
22-Sep  0800/1000       EU  ECB President Mario Draghi keynote speech at Henry
                              Grattan Lecture Invitation organised by Trinity
                              College , in Dublin.
22-Sep  0845/1045       EU  ECB Supervisory Board member Ignazio Angeloni
                              speech at the Courmayeur Convention, in
                              Courmayeur, Italy.
22-Sep  0930/1130       EU  ECB President Mario Draghi participation in
                              Student Roundtable/Dialogue at Trinity College in
22-Sep  1000/1100  **   UK  CBI Industrial Trends
22-Sep  1000/0600       US  San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President John
                              Williams to speak at the Swiss National Bank
                              Research Conference 2017 - Monetary Policy Design,
                              Conduct and Effects in Zurich, Switzerland, with
                              media Q&A.
22-Sep  1000/1200       CH  San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President John
                              Williams to speak at Swiss National Bank Research
                              Conference 2017, "Monetary Policy Design, Conduct
                              and Effects," in Zurich, with media Q&A.
22-Sep  1115/1315       EU  ECB Vice-President Vitor Constancio closing
                              remarks at the ECB conference, in Frankfurt.
22-Sep  1200/1400       DE  BBK Board member Andreas Dombret speech at 5.
                              Supervisory Board conference for financial
                              services providers, in Frankfurt.
22-Sep  1230/0830  ***  CA  CPI
22-Sep  1230/0830  ***  CA  Retail Trade
22-Sep  1300/1500  **   BE  BNB Business Sentiment
22-Sep  1315/1515       EU  ECB Vice-President Vitor Constancio chairing panel
                              "Macroprudential policy beyond banking" at 2nd
                              ESRB annual conference, in Frankfurt.
22-Sep  1330/0930       US  Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank President Esther
                              George to deliver the keynote at the "Global Oil
                              Supply & Demand: Prospects for Greater Balance"
                              Conference in Oklahoma City, with audience Q&A.
22-Sep  1345/0945  ***  US  Markit Manufacturing Index (flash)
22-Sep  1345/0945  ***  US  Markit Services Index (flash)
22-Sep  1400/1000  **   US  Atlanta Fed inflation index
22-Sep  1430/1530       UK  BOE Chief Economist Andy Haldane speech,
                              Washington DC
22-Sep  1500/1100  **   US  St. Louis Fed Real GDP Nowcast
22-Sep  1515/1115  **   US  NY Fed GDP Nowcast
22-Sep  1730/1330       US  Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Rob Kaplan
                              to participate in a moderated Q&A session at 
                              Global Oil Supply & Demand: A Joint Conference of
                              the Federal Reserve Banks of Kansas City and
                              Dallas in Oklahoma City, with audience and media
22-Sep  1900/1500  *    US  Treasury Allotments (preliminary)
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 202-371-2121; email:

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