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Global News and Data Calendar

Repeats Story Initially Transmitted at 21:01 GMT Apr 10/17:01 EST Apr 10
--Rating: *** most market sensitive, * least market sensitive
Date    GMT /Local          Event
11-Apr      -           EU  ECB President Mario Draghi & ECB Executive Board
                              member Benoit Coeure participate in IMF/World Bank
                              spring meetings in Washington D.C.
11-Apr      -      ***  CN  Money Supply
11-Apr      -      ***  CN  New Loans
11-Apr      -           SE  Riksbank Gov. Stefan Ingves participating in the
                              spring meeting of the IMF and World Bank in
                              Washington D.C., US
11-Apr      -      ***  CN  Social Financing
11-Apr  0130/0930  ***  CN  CPI
11-Apr  0130/0930  ***  CN  Producer Price Index
11-Apr  0600/0800  ***  DE  HICP (f)
11-Apr  0645/0845  ***  FR  HICP (f)
11-Apr  0800/1000       EU  ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters Q2 2019
11-Apr  1230/0830  **   US  Jobless Claims
11-Apr  1230/0830  ***  US  PPI
11-Apr  1230/0830  *    CA  New Housing Price Index
11-Apr  1330/0930       US  US Federal Reserve Bank Vice Chair Richard Clarida
                              to deliver a speech on US Economic Outlook and
                              Monetary Policy at the Institute of International
                              Finance Washington Policy Summit in Washington,
11-Apr  1335/0935       US  New York Federal Reserve Bank President John
                              Williams to deliver the keynote address at the
                              Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development
                              2019 Annual Conference in New York, New York,
                              followed by audience Q&A.
11-Apr  1340/0940       US  St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President James
                              Bullard to deliver a presentation at the Community
                              Development Foundation of Tupelo on the U.S.
                              economy and monetary policy in Tupelo, Missouri,
                              followed by audience Q&A.
11-Apr  1430/1030  **   US  Natural Gas Stocks
11-Apr  1700/1300       CA  BOC Senior Deputy Gov Carolyn Wilkins participates
                              in a panel at the World Bank in Washington, DC.
                              Topic: Capital Market Development and FinTech
                              Revolution: Opportunities and Challenges.
11-Apr  2000/1600       US  US Federal Reserve Bank Governor Michelle Bowman
                              to deliver a speech on "Community Banking in the
                              Age of Innovation" at the Fed Family Luncheon in
                              San Francisco, California.
11-Apr  2030/1630  **   US  Fed Weekly Money Supply Data
12-Apr      -           EU  ECB President Mario Draghi & ECB Executive Board
                              member Benoit Coeure participate in IMF/World Bank
                              spring meetings in Washington D.C.
12-Apr      -      ***  CN  Money Supply
12-Apr      -      ***  CN  New Loans
12-Apr      -           SE  Riksbank Gov. Stefan Ingves participating in the
                              spring meeting of the IMF and World Bank in
                              Washington D.C., US
12-Apr      -      ***  CN  Social Financing
12-Apr      -      ***  CN  Trade
12-Apr  2300/0100       EU  ECB Supervisory Board Chair Andrea Enria keynote
                              speech at Institute of International Finance in
                              Washington D.C.
12-Apr  0600/0800  *    DE  wholesale prices
12-Apr  0700/0900  ***  ES  HICP (f)
12-Apr  0900/1100  **   EU  industrial production
12-Apr  1230/0830  **   US  import/export price index
12-Apr  1400/1000  ***  US  University of Michigan Sentiment Index (p)
12-Apr  1500/1100  **   US  St. Louis Fed Real GDP Nowcast
12-Apr  1515/1115  **   US  NY Fed GDP Nowcast
12-Apr  1630/1230       US  New York Federal Reserve Bank Vice President Kevin
                              Stiroh deliver welcoming remarks at SIPA's Cyber
                              Risk to Financial Stability: State-of-the-Field
                              Conference 2019 in New York, New York.
12-Apr  1800/1400       CA  BOC Deputy Gov Timothy Lane participates in a
                              panel at the International Monetary Fund in
                              Washington, DC on central bank digital currencies:
                              Should Central Banks issue Digital Currencies?
13-Apr      -           EU  ECB President Mario Draghi & ECB Executive Board
                              member Benoit Coeure participate in IMF/World Bank
                              spring meetings in Washington D.C.
15-Apr      -      *    FR  BOF retail trade
15-Apr  1230/0830  **   US  Empire State Manufacturing Survey
15-Apr  1300/0900  *    CA  Home Sales - CREA (Canadian real estate
15-Apr  1430/1030  ***  CA  BOC Business Outlook Survey
15-Apr  2000/1600  **   US  TICS
16-Apr  0830/0930  ***  UK  Labour Market Survey
16-Apr  0900/1100  **   EU  construction production
16-Apr  0900/1100  ***  DE  ZEW Current Conditions Index
16-Apr  0900/1100  ***  DE  ZEW Current Expectations Index
16-Apr  1230/0830  **   US  NY Fed Business Leaders Survey
16-Apr  1230/0830  *    CA  International Canadian Transaction in Securities
16-Apr  1230/0830  ***  CA  Monthly Survey of Manufacturing
16-Apr  1255/0855  **   US  Redbook Retail Sales Index
16-Apr  1315/0915  ***  US  Industrial Production
16-Apr  1400/1000  **   US  NAHB Home Builder Index
16-Apr  1800/1400       US  Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Rob Kaplan
                              to participate in a moderated Q&A session at the
                              Community Forum Hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank
                              of Dallas, El Paso Branch, with audience Q&A.
17-Apr  2350/0850  **   JP  Trade
17-Apr  0200/1000  ***  CN  GDP
17-Apr  0200/1000  ***  CN  Fixed-Asset Investment
17-Apr  0200/1000  ***  CN  Industrial Output
17-Apr  0200/1000  ***  CN  Retail Sales
17-Apr  0600/0800  *    EU  ACEA car registrations
17-Apr  0800/1000  ***  IT  HICP (f)
17-Apr  0800/1000  **   EU  current account
17-Apr  0830/0930  ***  UK  Consumer inflation report
17-Apr  0830/0930  ***  UK  Producer Prices
17-Apr  0830/0930  *    UK  ONS House Price Index
17-Apr  0900/1100  ***  EU  HICP (f)
17-Apr  0900/1100  *    EU  trade balance
17-Apr  1100/0700  **   US  MBA weekly applications index
17-Apr  1100/1200       UK  Weekly questions to the Prime Minister
17-Apr  1230/0830  **   US  trade balance
17-Apr  1230/0830  **   CA  International Merchandise Trade (Trade Balance)
17-Apr  1230/0830  ***  CA  CPI
17-Apr  1400/1000  **   US  wholesale trade
17-Apr  1430/1030  **   US  DOE weekly crude oil stocks
17-Apr  1630/1230       US  St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President James
                              Bullard to deliver a presentation on the U.S.
                              economy and monetary policy at the 28th Annual
                              Hyman P. Minsky Conference at the Levy Economics
                              Institute of Bard College, in Annandale-on-Hudson,
                              New York, followed by audience Q&A.
17-Apr  1630/1230       US  Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank President
                              Patrick Harker to deliver a speech about economic
                              outlook at the Greater Vineland Chamber of
                              Commerce Luncheon in Vineland, NJ, with audience
17-Apr  1800/1400       US  Federal Reserve releases the Beige Book for
                              upcoming FOMC meeting in Washington.
17-Apr  2300/1900       US  New York Federal Reserve Bank Senior Vice
                              President Lorie Logan to deliver remarks to the
                              Money Marketeers of New York City, in New York,
                              New York, followed by audience Q&A .
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 (973) 494-2611; email:

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