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Global News and Data Calendar

Repeats Story Initially Transmitted at 22:01 GMT Feb 28/17:01 EST Feb 28
Date    GMT /Local          Event
29-Feb  0100/0900  ***  CN  CFLP Manufacturing PMI
29-Feb  0100/0900  **   CN  CFLP Non-Manufacturing PMI
02-Mar  0730/0830  **   SE  Manufacturing PMI
02-Mar  0815/0915  **   ES  Markit Manufacturing PMI (f)
02-Mar  0845/0945  **   IT  Markit Manufacturing PMI (f)
02-Mar  0850/0950  **   FR  Markit Manufacturing PMI (f)
02-Mar  0855/0955  **   DE  Markit Manufacturing PMI (f)
02-Mar  0900/1000  **   EU  Markit Manufacturing PMI (f)
02-Mar  0930/0930  **   UK  BOE Lending to Individuals
02-Mar  0930/0930  **   UK  BOE M4
02-Mar  0930/0930  **   UK  Markit/CIPS Manufacturing PMI (Final)
02-Mar  1230/1330       EU  ECB's board member Luis de Guindos speaks at
                              Distinguished Speakers Seminar organised by
                              European Economics and Financial Centre in London,
                              United Kingdom.
02-Mar  1445/0945  ***  US  Markit Manufacturing Index (final)
02-Mar  1500/1000  ***  US  ISM Manufacturing Index
02-Mar  1500/1000  *    US  construction spending
02-Mar  1900/2000       EU  ECB's board member Andrea Enria participates in an
                              online discussion in the format of a webinar
                              "Europe calling" on state aid for banks organised
                              by Die Grunen/EFA im Europaischen Parlament
03-Mar      -      ***  US  domestic made vehicle sales
03-Mar  0330/1430       AU  RBA Rate Decision
03-Mar  0645/0745  ***  CH  GDP
03-Mar  0800/0900       EU  ECB's board member Luis de Guindos gives opening
                              remarks at joint conference of the European
                              Central Bank and the European Commission on "The
                              roles of equity markets and financial technology"
                              in Frankfurt, Germany.
03-Mar  0930/0930  **   UK  Markit/CIPS Construction PMI
03-Mar  1000/1100  **   EU  unemployment
03-Mar  1000/1100  ***  EU  HICP (p)
03-Mar  1000/1100  **   EU  PPI
03-Mar  1000/1100       EU  ECB's board member Kerstin af Jochnick
                              participates in a panel discussion at ISDA
                              high-level public policy conference on EU bank
                              capital reform and regulation in Brussels,
03-Mar  1330/1430       EU  ECB's board member Isabel Schnabel moderates a
                              panel at joint conference of the European Central
                              Bank and the European Commission "The roles of
                              equity markets and financial technology" in
                              Frankfurt, Germany.
03-Mar  1355/0855  **   US  Redbook Retail Sales Index
03-Mar  1445/0945  *    US  ISM-NY Manufacturing Index
03-Mar  1500/1000  **   US  IBD/TIPP Optimism Index
03-Mar  2130/1630       US  New York Fed's Executive vice President Lorie
                              Logan to speak on "Transitioning to a Steady-State
                              Ample Reserves Regime" at the NYU Stern School of
                              Business. Text and Q&As are expected.
03-Mar  2330/1830       US  Chicago Fed President Charles Evans to speak in a
                              moderated discussion at the University of
                              Illinois. Text is not expected. Evans is expected
                              to take questions from the media following
04-Mar  0700/0800  **   DE  retail sales
04-Mar  0730/0830  **   SE  Services PMI
04-Mar  0730/0830  ***  CH  CPI
04-Mar  0815/0915  **   ES  Markit Services PMI (f)
04-Mar  0845/0945  **   IT  Markit Services PMI (f)
04-Mar  0850/0950  **   FR  Markit Services PMI (f)
04-Mar  0855/0955  **   DE  Markit Services PMI (f)
04-Mar  0900/1000  ***  IT  GDP (f)
04-Mar  0900/1000  **   EU  Markit Services PMI (f)
04-Mar  0930/0930  **   UK  Markit/CIPS Services PMI (Final)
04-Mar  1000/1100  **   EU  retail sales
04-Mar  1200/0700  **   US  MBA weekly applications index
04-Mar  1315/0815  ***  US  ADP Employment Report
04-Mar  1330/0830  *    CA  Labour Productivity and Costs
04-Mar  1445/0945  ***  US  Markit Services Index (final)
04-Mar  1500/1000  ***  CA  BOC interest rate announcement
04-Mar  1500/1000       CA  Bank of Canada interest rate announcement
04-Mar  1500/1000  ***  US  ISM Non-Manufacturing Index
04-Mar  1530/1030  **   US  DOE weekly crude oil stocks
04-Mar  1900/1400       US  Federal Reserve releases Beige Book.
04-Mar  1915/1415       US  New York Fed's Executive Vice President Kevin
                              Stiroh to speak on "Integrating Climate Risk into
                              Risk Models" at Harvard Business School. Text is
04-Mar  2330/1830       US  St. Louis President Bullard to provide welcoming
                              remarks at the Homer Jones Memorial Lecture
                              featuring John Cochrane. Bullard is expected to be
                              available to the media before the event. Text is
                              expected to be released.
04-Mar  2330/1830       US  Chicago Fed President Charles Evans will hold a
                              moderated Q&A on current economic conditions and
                              monetary policy at the University of Illinois
05-Mar  0130/1030       JP  BOJ board member Suzuki speaks to business leaders
05-Mar  0500/1400       JP  BOJ Suzuki holds a news conference
05-Mar  0830/0930  **   SE  Private Sector Production
05-Mar  1230/0730  *    US  Challenger Monthly Layoff Intentions
05-Mar  1300/1300       UK  BOE Chief Economist Andy Haldane speech, Paris
05-Mar  1330/0830  **   US  Jobless Claims
05-Mar  1330/0830  **   US  Non-Farm Productivity (f)
05-Mar  1440/1540       EU  ECB's board member Andrea Enria speaks at a panel
                              on financial supervision at the Delphi Economic
                              Forum V in Delphi, Greece.
05-Mar  1500/1000  **   US  factory new orders
05-Mar  1530/1030  **   US  Natural Gas Stocks
05-Mar  1700/1700       UK  BOE Governor Mark Carney speech, London
05-Mar  1745/1245       CA  BOC Gov. Poloz speaks in Toronto, "Economic
                              Progress Report"
05-Mar  2130/1630  **   US  Fed Weekly Money Supply Data
05-Mar  2330/1830       US  Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan at the Chicago
                              Council Global Economy Series. Text is not
                              expected. Kaplan is expected to take questions
                              from the media and the audience.
05-Mar  0100/2000       US  Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari at a
                              University of Minnesota event. Kashkari is
                              expected to take questions from the audience. No
                              text and no media questions expected.
05-Mar  0145/2045       US  New York Fed President John Williams to speak at
                              the Foreign Policy Association. Text is expected.
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 202 371 2121; email:

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