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Global News and Data Calendar

Repeats Story Initially Transmitted at 21:01 GMT May 20/17:01 EST May 20
Date    GMT /Local          Event
21-May  0030/0930  **   JP  IHS Markit Flash Japan PMI
21-May  0715/0915  **   FR  IHS Markit Services PMI (p)
21-May  0715/0915  **   FR  IHS Markit Manufacturing PMI (p)
21-May  0730/0930  **   DE  IHS Markit Services PMI (p)
21-May  0730/0930  **   DE  IHS Markit Manufacturing PMI (p)
21-May  0735/0935       EU  ECB's board member Fabio Panetta participates in
                              online conference "Economia reale, territori e
                              imprese: come resistere alla crisi e ripartire"
                              organised by RCS Academy in collaboration with
                              Corriere della Sera
21-May  0800/1000  **   EU  IHS Markit Services PMI (p)
21-May  0800/1000  **   EU  IHS Markit Manufacturing PMI (p)
21-May  0800/1000  **   EU  IHS Markit Composite PMI (p)
21-May  0830/0930  ***  UK  IHS Markit Manufacturing PMI (flash)
21-May  0830/0930  ***  UK  IHS Markit Services PMI (flash)
21-May  0830/0930  ***  UK  IHS Markit Composite PMI (flash)
21-May  1000/1100  **   UK  CBI Industrial Trends
21-May  1230/0830  **   US  Jobless Claims
21-May  1230/0830  **   US  Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index
21-May  1345/0945  ***  US  IHS Markit Manufacturing Index (flash)
21-May  1345/0945  ***  US  IHS Markit Services Index (flash)
21-May  1400/1000  ***  US  NAR existing home sales
21-May  1400/1000       US  New York Fed President John Williams to speak in a
                              webinar with the Buffalo Niagara Partnership and
                              the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce. Text
                              and moderated Q&A are expected.
21-May  1430/1030  **   US  Natural Gas Stocks
21-May  1700/1300       US  Fed Vice Chair Richard H. Clarida to take part in
                              an online discussion hosted by the New York
                              Association for Business Economics. Text expected.
                              Q&A from the moderator.
21-May  1830/1430       US  Federal Reserve Board will host a Fed Listens
                              event in a virtual format as part of the review of
                              monetary policy strategy, tools, and communication
                              practices. Chair Jerome H. Powell will provide
                              opening remarks, and Governor Lael Brainard will
                              moderate a panel that will focus on how the
                              pandemic has changed perspectives on the labor
                              market, inflation, and the transmission of
                              monetary policy to households and businesses.
21-May  2030/1630  **   US  Fed Weekly Money Supply Data
22-May  2301/0001  **   UK  Gfk Monthly Consumer Confidence
22-May  2330/0830  ***  JP  CPI
22-May  0600/0700  ***  UK  Retail Sales
22-May  0600/0700  ***  UK  Public Sector Finances
22-May  1230/0830  **   CA  Retail Trade
22-May  1430/1630       EU  ECB's board member Philip R. Lane gives a speech
                              at virtual conference "Inflation: Drivers and
                              Dynamics 2020" organised by The Federal Reserve
                              Bank of Cleveland's Center for Inflation Research
                              and the European Central Bank
22-May  1500/1100  **   US  St. Louis Fed Real GDP Nowcast
22-May  1515/1115  **   US  NY Fed GDP Nowcast
25-May  0600/0800  ***  DE  GDP (f)
25-May  0730/0930  **   SE  Unemployment
25-May  0800/1000  ***  DE  IFO Business Climate Index
25-May  1300/1500  **   BE  BNB Business Sentiment
25-May  1730/1330       CA  BOC Governor Poloz speech
26-May  0530/0730  *    FR  Business Climate Indicator
26-May  0530/0730  *    FR  Services Sentiment
26-May  0645/0845  **   FR  Manufacturing Sentiment
26-May  0900/0500       US  BOE Chief Economist Andy Haldane speech, London
26-May  1000/1100  **   UK  CBI Distributive Trades
26-May  1230/0830  *    CA  Quarterly financial statistics for enterprises
26-May  1230/0830  **   US  Philadelphia Fed Nonmanufacturing Index
26-May  1300/0900  **   US  FHFA Home Price Index
26-May  1300/0900  **   US  FHFA Quarterly Price Index
26-May  1300/0900  **   US  S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Index
26-May  1400/1000  ***  US  new home sales
26-May  1400/1000  ***  US  Conference Board Consumer Confidence
26-May  1400/1000  **   US  Richmond Fed Survey
26-May  1430/1030  **   US  Dallas Fed manufacturing survey
26-May  1700/1300       US  Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari to speak
                              at the University of Minnesota conference on
                              "Living in a Covid-19 World: A discussion with
                              leading health and economic experts." Event with
                              Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
                              (CIDRAP) is to be moderated by NBC's Tom Brokaw.
27-May  0600/0800  *    NO  Norway Unemployment Rate
27-May  0600/1400  **   CN  MNI China Liquidity Suvey
27-May  0645/0845  **   FR  Consumer Sentiment
27-May  0730/0930  **   SE  PPI
27-May  1100/0700  **   US  MBA weekly applications index
27-May  1255/0855  **   US  Redbook Retail Sales Index
27-May  1430/1030  **   US  Dallas Fed Services Survey
27-May  1630/1230       US  St. Louis Fed President James Bullard will speak
                              at the CD Howe Institute on the "View on the
                              Pandemic from Onset to Reopening the Economy."
                              Text and moderated Q&A. Media availability.
27-May  1800/1400       US  Federal Reserve releases Beige Book.
28-May  0700/0900  **   SE  Economic Tendency Indicator
28-May  0700/0900  *    ES  retail sales
28-May  0700/0900  ***  ES  HICP (p)
28-May  0730/0930  **   SE  Retail Sales
28-May  0800/1000  **   IT  ISTAT Business Confidence
28-May  0800/1000  **   IT  ISTAT Consumer Confidence
28-May  0900/1100  *    EU  Consumer Confidence, Industrial Sentiment
28-May  0900/1100  **   EU  Economic Sentiment Indicator
28-May  1200/1400  ***  DE  HICP (p)
28-May  1230/0830  **   US  Jobless Claims
28-May  1230/0830  *    CA  Current account
28-May  1230/0830  *    CA  Payroll employment
28-May  1230/0830  **   US  durable goods new orders
28-May  1230/0830  ***  US  GDP (2nd)
28-May  1400/1000  **   US  NAR pending home sales
28-May  1430/1030  **   US  Natural Gas Stocks
28-May  1500/1100  **   US  DOE weekly crude oil stocks
28-May  1500/1100  **   US  Kansas City Fed Manufacturing Index
28-May  1500/1100       US  New York Fed President John Williams in a
                              moderated discussion with the Stony Brook
                              University College of Business. Text not expected.
                              Q&A with audience.
28-May  2030/1630  **   US  Fed Weekly Money Supply Data
29-May  2301/0001  **   UK  Gfk Monthly Consumer Confidence
29-May  2330/0830  **   JP  Tokyo CPI
29-May  2350/0850  **   JP  Industrial production
29-May  2350/0850  *    JP  Retail sales (p)
29-May  0600/0800  **   DE  Import/Export Prices
29-May  0600/0800  **   DE  retail sales
29-May  0645/0845  ***  FR  GDP (f)
29-May  0645/0845  **   FR  Consumer Spending
29-May  0645/0845  ***  FR  HICP (p)
29-May  0645/0845  **   FR  PPI
29-May  0730/0930  ***  SE  GDP
29-May  0730/0930  **   SE  Trade Data
29-May  0800/1000  ***  IT  GDP (f)
29-May  0900/1100  ***  EU  HICP (p)
29-May  0900/1100  ***  IT  HICP (p)
29-May  1230/0830  ***  CA  CA GDP by Industry and GDP Canadian Economic
                              Accounts Combined
29-May  1230/0830  *    CA  Industrial Product and Raw Material Price Index
29-May  1230/0830  **   US  advance trade, advance business inventories
29-May  1230/0830  **   US  Personal Income and Consumption
29-May  1345/0945  **   US  MNI Chicago PMI
29-May  1400/1000  ***  US  Final Michigan Sentiment Index
29-May  1500/1100  **   US  St. Louis Fed Real GDP Nowcast
29-May  1515/1115  **   US  NY Fed GDP Nowcast
31-May  0100/0900  **   CN  CFLP Non-Manufacturing PMI
31-May  0100/0900  ***  CN  CFLP Manufacturing PMI
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 202 371 2121; email:

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