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(H18) Key 116-145 Support.......>

US 5YR FUTURE TECHS: (H18) Key 116-145 Support Gives Way
*RES 4: 116-282 Nov 28 high
*RES 3: 116-245/252 3 month falling res line, Nov 29 high
*RES 2: 116-227 Dec 1 high
*RES 1: 116-185 Hourly resistance
*PRICE: 116-100 @1150GMT
*SUP 1: 116-065 Dec 1 low
*SUP 2: 116-047 8 week bear channel base projection
*SUP 3: 115-247 3 month bear channel base projection
*SUP 4: 115-135 1% volatility band
*COMMENTARY* The decline continued last week , losing support from the Nov 21
low at 116-145 in the process. A low of 116-065 before bouncing. A sustained
loss of 116-145 will swing the overall bias back to the downside and focus on
two bear channel base projections between 116-047 and 115-247. Resistance
meanwhile from 116-185/116-227 and then more importantly 116-245/116-252.
Require back through here before things can improve. 

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