January 14, 2025 12:54 GMT
HENRY HUB: Henry Hub Extends Pull Back
Henry Hub continues to pull back from a peak yesterday with a recovery in domestic production this week and curtailed Freeport LNG terminal feedgas flows adding to a more mixed weather forecast.
- Lower 48 natural gas demand is up on the day at 120.8bcf/d today, according to Bloomberg, compared to the previous five year average of around 100bcf/d. The NOAA 6-14 day temperature forecast still shows below normal across the US with the largest anomalies centred in eastern and central areas but with warmer indications for the west.
- US domestic natural gas production is estimated unchanged on the day at 104.2bcf/d yesterday, according to Bloomberg, compared to an average of 102.8bcf/d over the previous week.
- US LNG export terminal feedgas is estimated at 14.6bcf/d today, according to Bloomberg, relative to a record high of 15.0bcf/d on Jan. 11. Freeport is showing a dip in supplies of about 0.6bcf/d since Jan. 11.
- Export flows to Mexico are today estimated at 6.3bcf/d, according to Bloomberg.
- Nymex Henry Hub daily aggregate traded futures was 685k on Jan. 13.
- US Natgas FEB 25 down 4.2% at 3.77$/mmbtu
- US Natgas JUL 25 down 1.7% at 3.73$/mmbtu
- US Natgas JAN 26 down 0.9% at 4.68$/mmbtu
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