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Houston Refiners Weather Hurricane Force Winds: Argus


Around 2m b/d of US refining capacity was subjected to destructive winds May 16 as a major storm passed through Houston, but reported damage so far is minimal, Argus said.

  • Five refineries with a combined 1.5m b/d of capacity faced winds of up to 74 mph. In Galveston Bay, where Valero and Marathon have a total of 818k b/d of capacity, winds hit 51 mph.
  • Chevron’s 112k b/d Pasadena refinery sustained minor damage, the company said, cited by Argus.
  • ExxonMobil’s 564k b/d Baytown refinery and 369k b/d Beaumont refinery faced no significant impact on output, Argus said.
  • Phillips’s 66’ 265k b/d Sweeny refinery and its 264k b/d Lake Charles refineries were not affected either.
  • Marathon declined to comment on operations at its 593k b/d Galveston Bay refinery.
  • Valero, LyondellBasell, Pemex, Total, Calcasieu and Citgo did not immediately respond to Argus’ requests for comment.
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Around 2m b/d of US refining capacity was subjected to destructive winds May 16 as a major storm passed through Houston, but reported damage so far is minimal, Argus said.

  • Five refineries with a combined 1.5m b/d of capacity faced winds of up to 74 mph. In Galveston Bay, where Valero and Marathon have a total of 818k b/d of capacity, winds hit 51 mph.
  • Chevron’s 112k b/d Pasadena refinery sustained minor damage, the company said, cited by Argus.
  • ExxonMobil’s 564k b/d Baytown refinery and 369k b/d Beaumont refinery faced no significant impact on output, Argus said.
  • Phillips’s 66’ 265k b/d Sweeny refinery and its 264k b/d Lake Charles refineries were not affected either.
  • Marathon declined to comment on operations at its 593k b/d Galveston Bay refinery.
  • Valero, LyondellBasell, Pemex, Total, Calcasieu and Citgo did not immediately respond to Argus’ requests for comment.