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ISRAEL: ICJ Demands Halt To Rafah Offensive, But Little Chance Of Implementation


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled that Israel must immediately halt its ground operation in the southern Gazan city of Rafah, citing 'immediate risk' to the Palestinian people there. The BBC reports that Judge Nawaf Salam, "said the current situation there entailed further risks of irreparable harm to the rights of people in Gaza. He said the situation had changed since the ICJ made its previous orders and conditions had been met for new emergency measures in the case." 

  • Israel has been ordered to report to the court within one month its progress in implementing the measures demanded today, which include - alongside halting military operations in the city - the opening of the Rafah border crossing, and ensuring access to Gaza for investigators. 
  • The court's ruling is legally binding, but it has no way of enforcing the measures. As such, at present there is nothing stopping Israel continuing its offensive against Hamas in the besieged city. 
  • While Israel is likely to disregard the ICJ on this issue, it will add further pressure to Israel's allies in the US and Europe to seek to dissuade PM Benjamin Netanyahu from continuing his forces' assault on the city and push for a ceasefire. 
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The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled that Israel must immediately halt its ground operation in the southern Gazan city of Rafah, citing 'immediate risk' to the Palestinian people there. The BBC reports that Judge Nawaf Salam, "said the current situation there entailed further risks of irreparable harm to the rights of people in Gaza. He said the situation had changed since the ICJ made its previous orders and conditions had been met for new emergency measures in the case." 

  • Israel has been ordered to report to the court within one month its progress in implementing the measures demanded today, which include - alongside halting military operations in the city - the opening of the Rafah border crossing, and ensuring access to Gaza for investigators. 
  • The court's ruling is legally binding, but it has no way of enforcing the measures. As such, at present there is nothing stopping Israel continuing its offensive against Hamas in the besieged city. 
  • While Israel is likely to disregard the ICJ on this issue, it will add further pressure to Israel's allies in the US and Europe to seek to dissuade PM Benjamin Netanyahu from continuing his forces' assault on the city and push for a ceasefire.