February 13, 2025 08:45 GMT
POWER: Italian Hydro Stocks Fall Below Five-Year Average
Italian hydropower reserves last week – calendar week 6 – declined by 0.15TWh to 2.48TWh to fall below the five-year average for the first time this year.
- Stocks declined by 0.12TWh the week before.
- Reserves switched to a deficit to the five-year average last week of 0.05TWh, compared with a slight 0.02TWh surplus in the week prior.
- The deficit to 2024 levels, however, narrowed on the week slightly to 0.14TWh, compared with 0.15TWh the week before.
- Power demand in Italy last week edged higher to 33.69GW, up from 33.53GW the week prior.
- There was no precipitation in Torino near Italy’s hydro-intensive region last week, for the second consecutive week.
- Looking ahead, the latest Bloomberg ECMWF weather forecast for Torino suggests precipitation to total 4.1mm, compared with the seasonal average of 5mm.
- Italy’s hydro balance is forecast to end this week at -3.83TWh. The balance is expected to narrow further to end at -4.27TWh on 27 February.
- Wind generation in Italy for the remainder of this week is seen at load factors between 21% and 30% according to SpotRenewables.

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