MNI BRIEF: Copom's Forecasts Key For Monetary Policy -Galipolo
MNI (BRASILIA) - Central Bank of Brazil Deputy Governor for Monetary Policy Gabriel Galipolo said on Monday that the key focus for the board is its own forecasts for inflation over the next six quarters.
"The key focus for us is the projections that the Copom has for the relevant horizon,” he said at an event sponsored by Itau Unibanco, adding that unanchored market expectations and strong activity remain concerns. The latest BCB forecast for the first quarter of 2026 is 3.5%, above the 3% target.
"It is up to the central bank to set interest rates at a restrictive level for as long as necessary to reach the target," he stressed. Galipolo was approved by Congress to replace Roberto Campos Neto as governor early next year. (See MNI INTERVIEW: BCB To Up Pace In Short Hiking Cycle - Kanczuk)