MNI BRIEF: R-Star Likely Rose Post-Pandemic -NY Fed Blog
MNI (WASHINGTON) - New estimates of the natural rate of interest or r-star show the measure has likely risen by a quarter or half percentage point since the pandemic, according to a blog co-authored by New York Fed President John Williams, published Monday. R-star is the real short-term interest rate expected to prevail when an economy is at full strength and inflation is stable.
The Holston-Laubach-Williams real-time estimate of r-star rose to a little above 1% before falling back to about 0.75%, with a net increase of a quarter percentage point from 2019 to 2024, according to the post. A different measure, the Laubach-Williams estimate of r-star show a half a percentage point increase during this period. That analysis is in line with the FOMC's estimates of the longer run fed funds rate, which has risen about half a point over the past year. (See: MNI PODCAST: FedSpeak: Ghamami Sees Higher R-Star On Deficits)