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MNI: Canada May CPI Unexpectedly Quickens to 2.9% On Services

Core measures also accelerate but remain within BOC's target band.

Inflation hit the kind of bump Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem warned about with headline and core prices unexpectedly accelerating in May led by services and high-profile items like rent and food.

Overall consumer prices rose 2.9% in May from a year ago according to Statistics Canada's report Tuesday from Ottawa, faster than April's three-year low of 2.7% and ahead of the economist forecast CPI would slow a notch to 2.6%.

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Inflation hit the kind of bump Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem warned about with headline and core prices unexpectedly accelerating in May led by services and high-profile items like rent and food.

Overall consumer prices rose 2.9% in May from a year ago according to Statistics Canada's report Tuesday from Ottawa, faster than April's three-year low of 2.7% and ahead of the economist forecast CPI would slow a notch to 2.6%.

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