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MNI (London)
Repeats Story Initially Transmitted at 12:05 GMT Dec 4/07:05 EST Dec 4
By Jamie Satchithanantham
     LONDON (MNI) - The UK IHS Markit Services PMI raised a few eyebrows last
month, posting a two point increase to 55.6 -- a six-month high -- much to the
surprise of market spectators.
     The November print, due on Dec 5, will show if the strong prevailing
conditions extended into November, or whether a return to its recent, largely
underwhelming trend is instead on the cards.
     Highlights of October's survey included a rebound in new orders from its
13m low in September to expand at the fastest pace since May and operating costs
easing to its lowest level since September 2016. But it was not all rosy. Job
growth did slip to a seven-month low and prospects for growth looking forward
did remain fragile.
     A survey of analysts conducted by MNI yielded a a median outturn slightly
below the October result, 0.6 points lower at 55.0.
     While the survey excludes firms in the retail sales sector, other
consumer-facing businesses will have had an increasingly difficult time luring
consumers, lacking in confidence and disposable income, to open their wallets.
     This week, we learned of UK consumer confidence slipping back to the lowest
level since the Brexit vote last summer and that was on top of households
continuing to process the first hike in interest rates in 10 years.
Date Out              05-Dec
Median                  55.0
Forecast High           56.4
Forecast Low            55.0
Count                     11
Prior                   55.6
Capital Economics       55.0
Credit Suisse           55.0
Commerzbank             55.2
Investec                54.6
JP Morgan               55.4
Lloyds TSB              54.8
Natixis                 56.4
Nomura                  55.0
Oxford Economics        55.2
Pantheon                54.5
Standard Chartered      55.5
--MNI London Bureau; +44 203-586-2226; email:
--MNI London Bureau; tel: +44 203-586-2225; email:
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-865-3812 |
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-865-3812 |

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