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MNI European Morning Briefing

     LONDON (MNI) - A quiet economic docket to start the week on Monday.
     At 0700GMT German Wholesale Sales data is due to be released.
     Spanish Unemployment data will be published at 0800GMT.
     At 0900GMT German VDMA Machine Orders are on the schedule.
     UK Markit/CIPS Construction PMI is on the docket for 0930GMT.
     Markets can also expect incremental commentary from the Eurogroup meeting
that takes place on Monday.
     At 1000GMT Eurozone PPI figures will be released.
     A very thin calendar across the Atlantic, the first release of the day from
the US is ISM-NY Manufacturing Index at 1445GMT.
     Rounding off the day at 1500GMT are US Factory New Orders. Factory orders
are expected to fall by 0.3% in October. Durable goods orders fell 1.2% in the
month on a drop in aircraft orders, while nondurables orders are expected to
rise only modestly as energy prices were flat.
     Factory orders are expected to post a modest increase excluding the
transportation component. Durable orders excluding transportation rose 0.4% in
the advance estimate.
--MNI London Bureau; +44 203 865 3809; email:

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