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MNI INTERVIEW: BOC Free To Cut At Next Four Meets- Brett House


That pattern is in line with Macklem's view of gradual policy relief, Columbia professor and former IMF economist says.

Canada's central bank has room to keep lowering interest rates at each of its four remaining meetings this year as inflation moves back to target, Columbia University economist and former IMF official Brett House told MNI.

Governor Tiff Macklem's decision to kick off the rate-cutting cycle last Wednesday instead of waiting until the July meeting, along with his remark about of being nowhere near the limit of how far below U.S. borrowing costs he can go, suggest a steady series of cuts, House said. Investors and other economists are split on whether last week's quarter-point cut to 4.75% will be repeated at the July 24 decision. (See: MNI INTERVIEW: BOC Seen Cutting Again In Sept-Conference Board)

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Canada's central bank has room to keep lowering interest rates at each of its four remaining meetings this year as inflation moves back to target, Columbia University economist and former IMF official Brett House told MNI.

Governor Tiff Macklem's decision to kick off the rate-cutting cycle last Wednesday instead of waiting until the July meeting, along with his remark about of being nowhere near the limit of how far below U.S. borrowing costs he can go, suggest a steady series of cuts, House said. Investors and other economists are split on whether last week's quarter-point cut to 4.75% will be repeated at the July 24 decision. (See: MNI INTERVIEW: BOC Seen Cutting Again In Sept-Conference Board)

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