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MNI INTERVIEW: BOC To Skip Cuts At 2 Of 4 Meets This Year- ATB's Parsons

Former top Alberta finance official and ATB chief economist speaks about the BOC.

The Bank of Canada will skip rate cuts at two of four remaining meetings this year and July is probably too soon to follow up on this month's reduction, according to a former top provincial finance official who in December correctly called the BOC's first move.

Reductions are constrained by caution around making sure inflation gets all the way back to target and the shadow of delayed Fed easing, said Mark Parsons, formerly Alberta's chief departmental economist and assistant deputy minister of economics, and now chief economist at ATB Financial in Edmonton. Given potential wiggles around monthly inflation reports, the exact timing of BOC moves is less of a focus than the overall path, but cuts in September and December make sense, he told MNI in an interview.

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The Bank of Canada will skip rate cuts at two of four remaining meetings this year and July is probably too soon to follow up on this month's reduction, according to a former top provincial finance official who in December correctly called the BOC's first move.

Reductions are constrained by caution around making sure inflation gets all the way back to target and the shadow of delayed Fed easing, said Mark Parsons, formerly Alberta's chief departmental economist and assistant deputy minister of economics, and now chief economist at ATB Financial in Edmonton. Given potential wiggles around monthly inflation reports, the exact timing of BOC moves is less of a focus than the overall path, but cuts in September and December make sense, he told MNI in an interview.

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