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MNI INTERVIEW: Euro Firms Face Slow China Market - Chamber

MNI (Beijing)

MNI discusses market access with the European Chamber of Commerce in China.

China’s economic slowdown represents the biggest challenge for European firms wanting to operate there, with Beijing recently improving market access, a leading European lobbyist has told MNI, noting the EU should resist excessive protectionist policies based on simplistic “level-playing field” arguments.

Jens Eskelund, president at the European Chamber of Commerce in China, noted European firms citing China's economic slowdown as a significant business impediment had jumped 19 percentage points y/y within the Chamber's recent sentiment report. This was the the fastest rise of any metric ever, he said.

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China’s economic slowdown represents the biggest challenge for European firms wanting to operate there, with Beijing recently improving market access, a leading European lobbyist has told MNI, noting the EU should resist excessive protectionist policies based on simplistic “level-playing field” arguments.

Jens Eskelund, president at the European Chamber of Commerce in China, noted European firms citing China's economic slowdown as a significant business impediment had jumped 19 percentage points y/y within the Chamber's recent sentiment report. This was the the fastest rise of any metric ever, he said.

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