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MNI INTERVIEW: Fed Likely To Wait And See On Scenarios - Bordo


Rutgers University economist Michael Bordo talks about the Fed's economic forecasting.

The Federal Reserve should regularly discuss alternate analyses of the economic outlook that allow for large changes to its baseline forecast, but it is likely that U.S. policymakers will wait to observe the experience of other central banks taking such an approach before deciding whether to follow suit, Rutgers University economist Michael Bordo told MNI.

Former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke’s recommendation last month that the Bank of England expand its use of scenarios to quantify risks to its central forecast cited a 2020 paper by Bordo, Andrew Levin and Mickey Levy, members of the watchdog Shadow Open Market Committee, that urged the Fed to explaining its policy strategy at the height of the pandemic using different scenarios of vaccine success rather than focusing on a single benchmark projection.

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The Federal Reserve should regularly discuss alternate analyses of the economic outlook that allow for large changes to its baseline forecast, but it is likely that U.S. policymakers will wait to observe the experience of other central banks taking such an approach before deciding whether to follow suit, Rutgers University economist Michael Bordo told MNI.

Former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke’s recommendation last month that the Bank of England expand its use of scenarios to quantify risks to its central forecast cited a 2020 paper by Bordo, Andrew Levin and Mickey Levy, members of the watchdog Shadow Open Market Committee, that urged the Fed to explaining its policy strategy at the height of the pandemic using different scenarios of vaccine success rather than focusing on a single benchmark projection.

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