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MNI POLICY: Markets Overplaying Impact Of Data Points On RBA

(MNI) Melbourne

MNI looks at the RBA's likely reactions to data.

Reserve Bank of Australia officials think investors are overreacting to individual data points such as recent higher-than-expected inflation, with the RBA determined to rely on a more complete picture of the economy and prices before it adjusts its strategy and to respond with a steadier hand than the market expects, MNI understands.

While the Board may eventually need to reassess the expected path of inflation, it will not do so on the basis of individual reads, such as April’s CPI print of 3.6%, up 10 basis points y/y from March.

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Reserve Bank of Australia officials think investors are overreacting to individual data points such as recent higher-than-expected inflation, with the RBA determined to rely on a more complete picture of the economy and prices before it adjusts its strategy and to respond with a steadier hand than the market expects, MNI understands.

While the Board may eventually need to reassess the expected path of inflation, it will not do so on the basis of individual reads, such as April’s CPI print of 3.6%, up 10 basis points y/y from March.

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