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MNI POLITICAL RISK - Spkr Johnson Faces First Test Of FY2025

Daily roundup of news from the US.

Executive Summary:

  • President Biden continues engagements at the G7 following a productive first day at the summit which saw an agreement to fund Ukraine through the securitisation of immobilised Russian sovereign assets and the signing of a 10-year security pact with Kyiv.
  • The House is expected to conclude work on its version of the 2025 National Defense Authorisation Act today - the first major test for House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) of FY2025.
  • Former President Donald Trump and White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients pitched their competing 2025 economic visions at a Business Roundtable event in Washington D.C. Trump promised to cut the corporate tax rate to 20 percent and slash regulations. Zients, standing in for Biden, defended a pledge to hike corporation tax and levy a new tax on billionaires.
  • Trump visited Capitol Hill for the first time since leaving the White House in 2021, repairing relationships as part of a campaign operation which is laying the groundwork for a less chaotic second term.
  • House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA), the man tasked with guiding House Republican policy, said in an interview he doesn’t believe that Congress should pass any AI-related regulations.
  • President Biden said he is not confident of an imminent ceasefire in Gaza.
  • The State Department threatened an unspecified response from the Biden administration if Iran continues expanding its nuclear programme.
  • Poll of the Day: Hunter Biden’s criminal conviction on felony gun charges is unlikely to damage President Biden presidential campaign.

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Executive Summary:

  • President Biden continues engagements at the G7 following a productive first day at the summit which saw an agreement to fund Ukraine through the securitisation of immobilised Russian sovereign assets and the signing of a 10-year security pact with Kyiv.
  • The House is expected to conclude work on its version of the 2025 National Defense Authorisation Act today - the first major test for House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) of FY2025.
  • Former President Donald Trump and White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients pitched their competing 2025 economic visions at a Business Roundtable event in Washington D.C. Trump promised to cut the corporate tax rate to 20 percent and slash regulations. Zients, standing in for Biden, defended a pledge to hike corporation tax and levy a new tax on billionaires.
  • Trump visited Capitol Hill for the first time since leaving the White House in 2021, repairing relationships as part of a campaign operation which is laying the groundwork for a less chaotic second term.
  • House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA), the man tasked with guiding House Republican policy, said in an interview he doesn’t believe that Congress should pass any AI-related regulations.
  • President Biden said he is not confident of an imminent ceasefire in Gaza.
  • The State Department threatened an unspecified response from the Biden administration if Iran continues expanding its nuclear programme.
  • Poll of the Day: Hunter Biden’s criminal conviction on felony gun charges is unlikely to damage President Biden presidential campaign.

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