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MNI Survey of US Economic Forecasts: Jun 13 - Jun 14

Repeats Story Initially Transmitted at 21:06 GMT Jun 7/17:06 EST Jun 7
                        Jun 13    Jun 14    Jun 14  Jun 14   Jun 14       Jun 14
                       Initial                               Retail
                       Jobless  Industrl  Capacity  Retail    Sales     Business
                        Claims  Productn   Utilizn   Sales  Ex-Auto  Inventories
Data For              Jun 8 wk       May       May     May      May          Apr
Median Forecast **         215       0.2      78.0     0.8      0.4          0.4
High Forecast              221       0.5      78.1     1.0      0.7          0.5
Low Forecast               215      -0.5      77.8    -0.2      0.1         -0.1
Mean                       217       0.1      78.0     0.7      0.4          0.3
Standard Deviation           3       0.2       0.1     0.3      0.2          0.2
No. of Responses             5        15        12      14       14            7
Amherst Pierpont            NA        NA        NA      NA       NA           NA
Bank of the West           221      -0.1      77.9     0.5      0.3          0.3
Barclays Capital            NA        NA        NA      NA       NA           NA
Capital Economics           NA       0.1        NA     0.6      0.1           NA
CIBC                        NA       0.1      78.0     0.8      0.5           NA
Commerzbank                220        NA        NA      NA       NA           NA
Credit Suisse               NA       0.5      78.1     0.7      0.2           NA
Deka                        NA       0.4      78.1     0.9      0.6           NA
Deutsche Bank               NA       0.1      77.8     1.0      0.7         -0.1
FT Advisors                215       0.2      78.0     0.8      0.4          0.5
HSBC                        NA       0.3      78.0     0.5      0.3          0.5
ING Group                   NA       0.2        NA     0.8       NA           NA
Lloyds Bank                215       0.2      78.0      NA      0.7          0.4
Morgan Stanley              NA        NA        NA      NA       NA           NA
Nomura                      NA       0.4        NA     0.6      0.3           NA
RBC                        215       0.3      78.1     0.9      0.4           NA
SocGen                      NA       0.1      77.9     0.8      0.5           NA
Umaryland                   NA      -0.5      77.9    -0.2      0.1          0.0
Wells Fargo                 NA      -0.1      77.8     0.7      0.4          0.4
** Note: The survey median is compiled solely from the forecasts listed above
and is not intended to represent a market consensus.
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 (973) 494-2611; email:

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