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MNI TRANSCRIPT: Powell: Goal Is for FFR "Well Within" Range

     WASHINGTON (MNI) - The following is the portion of a transcript from
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's press conference after the FOMC meeting
     Q: As recently as 2018, interest on excess reserves was at the top of the
band, sort of dragging the Fed Funds Rate up. Over the course of the adjustment
since last year, it's moved steadily down closer to the bottom of the band, so
if you're moving it back up, how high do you want to get it? Are we looking to
get interest on excess reserves at the top of the band again as the Fed Fund
Rate moves to the middle of the band? And should we see movements in IOER as
indicator that we're approaching ample?
     A: our stated goal is to keep IOER and Federal Funds rate well within the
range, that's it, well within the range, and that clearly, 5 basis points from
the bottom or top isn't that, so that's why we moved back up. You're right, last
year we were -- we saw some tightness as reserves were draining out of the
system, we saw the gradually moving up, and in hindsight we know what was
happening. With ample reserves, we see that it's possible to bring the interest
on reserves rate up to 10 basis points, so now we are well within the range, I
would say.
     Q: You don't think as fed funds go up to toward the center that IOER is
going to end up at the top?
     A: Don't know that. We want it to be well within the range. We'll continue
to adjust it to the extent appropriate. Ultimately what we're trying to do is
deliver a Federal Funds Rate well within the range and IOER is just a tool to
do, that and if we need to make changes to keep it well within the range, we'll
do that. The thing that matters for the economy is that we keep the Federal
Funds Rate, which is the rate that of course transmits into other money market
rates which ultimately transmits into all kinds of financial conditions, that's
what we care about. So ultimately, we will use that tool to keep it well within
the range.
--MNI Washington Bureau; +86 (10) 8532-5998; email:

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