August 13, 2024 18:34 GMT
Natural Gas End of Day Summary: Henry Hub Loses Ground
Henry Hub lost ground today as traders weigh a continued stock surplus and strong production levels against further forecasts of warmer weather
- US Natgas SEP 24 down 1.6% at 2.15$/mmbtu
- US Natgas FEB 25 down 2% at 3.4$/mmbtu
- US LNG export terminal feedgas flows are today down to 12.0bcf/d, Bloomberg said.
- US domestic natural gas production was holding steady at 101.4bcf/d, Bloomberg said.
- Domestic lower 48 natural gas demand edges higher today to 76.1bcf/d today, Bloomberg said.
- Temperatures have shifted warmer in the south in the 6–10-day period with above normal set to dominate in central areas.
- Two natural gas pipeline projects providing egress from the Haynesville Shale are a targeting a 2025 start, Platts said.
- The Petro-China chartered Shaolin LNG tanker looks to be diverting to Europe away from an earlier course to Asia, ICIS said.
- Global LNG demand fell 13% in the week to Aug 11 to 7.13m mt with declines in both Asia and Europe, BNEF said.
- The total estimated quantity of LNG on tankers not unloaded for at least 20 days increased by 7.6% last week to 3.87m mt, Bloomberg said.
- NWE LNG prices for winter 2024 hit a seven-month high amid market concerns over Ukrainian flows, Platts said.
- Preliminary LNG offtake agreements for Adnoc’s Ruwais LNG are being negotiated at a price of around 12.6% slope to crude oil, Platts said.
- The restart of Bangladesh's Summit LNG FSRU could be delayed for several more weeks, Platts said.
- Brazil is buying LNG as droughts threatens hydropower production, Bloomberg said.
- Bullish sentiment in European and concerns about vulnerability to supply shocks have left LNG spot prices too expensive versus oil-indexed contracts, Platts said.
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