March 07, 2025 07:23 GMT
SWEDEN: NDO Forecast Error Tightens In February
The Swedish budget balance saw a surplus of SEK74.0bln in February, after posting a deficit the two months prior. The National Debt Office (NDO) forecasted a surplus of SEK60.9bln in its November 2024 report, which sees the cumulative forecast error since November move to -SEK5bln from -SEK18bln prior.
- The higher-than-expected surplus was due to tax revenues printing SEK15bln above NDO expectations.
- All else equal, this reduces some of the pressure for the NDO to upgrade its borrowing requirement at its next update on May 22. However the latest shifts in the EU’s defence spending prospects may still add upside issuance risks.
- We nonetheless note that Swedish defence expenditure is already expected to be above NATO’s 2% target through 2025-2030 (~2.4% of GDP in 2025, rising to 2.6% by 2028).
- The 10-year SGB/Bund spread closed at -25.9bps on Wednesday, following Germany's fiscal announcement. This was the tightest level since November 1. The spread has since moved away from narrowest levels though, closing at -17.7bps yesterday.

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