February 13, 2025 15:15 GMT
ENERGY SECTOR: Neste Leverage Far Above Moody’s Downgrade Threshold
NESVFH A3 Curve is 5-8bps wider
- Today’s results were the latest in a long line of negative updates for the name.
- A downgrade for Neste seems all but assured and seems expected by management – they rarely comment on credit ratings but assured commitment to IG at several points today.
- Moody’s saw Debt/EBITDA of 1.9x at H1 and forecasted a ratio of 2.6x by FY24. We calc the ratio at 3.8x (accounting for unusual items) as of today’s results against a downside threshold of 2.5x.
- Bonds trade well wide of Baa1 levels regardless; wide of the BBB- Corps curve and broadly in line with a BBB- Energy curve (not a perfect comp but there isn’t much to work off).
- Cost cuts and lower dividends are welcome though the choice to still declare any dividend in the face of such a drastic step-up in leverage was questioned on the earnings call:
- “So you decided to pay a dividend even though your net debt EBITDA was over 4 times. So are you anticipating improving markets this year or what is the reason behind paying a dividend in this situation?”

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