February 13, 2025 12:26 GMT
POWER: Nordic TSOs to Increase aFRR Procurement to 500MW
Nordic TSOs have decided to increase the procurement of automatic frequency restoration reserve (aFRR) to support the introduction of the 15-minute mFRR energy market.
- Starting from 3 March 2025, the target for the total aFRR maintained in the Nordic countries will be 500MW for both up and down regulation, with Fingrid's share varying between 75-80MW.
- The is up from 200–400MW currently, with Fingrid's share varying between 30–60MW
- Nordic TSO confirmed that they will launch the automated 15-minute mFRR energy market on 4 March, with backup dates set for 6 March or 11 March in case of extreme weather or major system disruptions, Fingrid said on 12 February.
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