February 26, 2025 17:30 GMT
AMERICAS OIL: Par Pacific Wyoming Shut for Repair, Montana Set for April Work
Par Pacific Wyoming Shut for Repair, Montana Set for April Work: Bloomberg
- Par Pacific Holdings’ 18 kb/d Wyoming refinery remains shut for repairs since a Feb 12 operations incident with its crude unit’s main heater furnace with a return to normal rates expected by the May 26 US Memorial Day holiday, according to executives on Wednesday’s 4Q earnings call.
- The refinery is expected at 50% utilization by mid-April and 100% before Memorial Day.
- Par Pacific will begin a turnaround in early April at its 62k b/d Billings, Montana, refinery, known as Par Montana, that will include the 23k b/d FCC and alkylation unit.
- Refinery will continue to operate the crude unit along with the balance of the processing units at reduced rates for the first-half of the second quarter.
- Par Montana, bought in 2023 from Exxon Mobil Corp, is a high-conversion, complex facility that processes Western Canadian and regional Rocky Mountain crude.
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