February 13, 2025 15:12 GMT
AMERICAS OIL: Pemex Salamanca Refinery Partially Shut on Watery Crude: IIR
Pemex Salamanca Refinery Partially Shut on Watery Crude: IIR
- Bloomberg reports Pemex partially shut its 245k b/d Salamanca refinery in Mexico due to equipment issues caused by high water and salt content in crude oil, according to a report from IIR Energy published Wednesday.
- A 60k b/d crude unit was taken offline on Jan. 30.
- Other crude units curtailed rates as a result: IIR Energy.
- Repairs are ongoing, completion is expected for Feb. 20.
- Maya crude has a salt content of 2,500 pounds per 1k bbl vs standard of 50 pounds
- NOTE: In 2024, Salamanca processed avg 128k b/d crude, with 64% of that being medium grades like Isthmus, 23% was heavy varieties such as Maya and the rest was light oil like Olmeca.
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