March 06, 2025 10:31 GMT
POWER: PGE to Unveil Energy Strategy by June, Focus on Security & Renewables
PGE plans to unveil its energy strategy between May-June, with a strong focus on energy security, gas power, offshore wind, and energy storage, the firm said, cited by ISB News.
- Additionally, PGE has certified approximately 2.5GW of CCGT projects for the 2030 capacity market, with the possibility of inclusion in 2029 through a tie-break auction, Deputy Director of the Investment Pawel Dzierzanowski said.
- The firm is expected to launch its 1.5GW Baltica 2 offshore wind farm in early 2027 and will also take part in the 2025 capacity auction with at least one project.
- PGE also has an 800MW onshore wind portfolio but is currently awaiting changes to Poland’s Wind Farm Act – which would see the minimum distance of wind turbines from buildings potentially reduced to 500m from 700m.
- The company also plans to reach 1GW of PV capacity by 2030.
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