February 06, 2025 17:52 GMT
OPTIONS: Plenty Of Sonia Trade Pre and Post BOE Decision
Thursday's Europe rates/bond options flow included:
- ERM5 98.375/98.50cs vs 97.625/97.50ps, bought back the ps for 0.75 in 28k
- ERM5 97.875/98.00/98.125/98.25c condor vs 97.75/97.625ps, bought the condor for 2 in 4k.
- ERU5 9825/98.50/98.75c fly bought for 2.5 in 2k.
- SFIH5 95.60/95.80/96.00c fly sold at 6 in 10k (pre-BoE)
- SFIJ5 96.15/96.25cs, bought for 1.5 in 5k. (pre-BoE)
- SFIK5 95.70/95.60/95.55/95.45 put condor, ppr sells 12k at 0.75
- SFIM5 95.80/95.60/95.40p fly, bought for 3.5 in 12.55k, around 20k in the past 2 sessions. (pre-BoE)
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