March 10, 2025 08:27 GMT
CZECHIA: Polls Suggest ANO Is Edging Closer To Parliamentary Majority
EM BulletHomepagemarkets-real-timePolitical RiskCentral and Eastern EuropePolitical Risk BulletBulletEmerging Market NewsCzechia
- The STEM/CNN Prima News election model showed that the support rate of ex-Prime Minister Andrej Babis's ANO party increased to 35.6%, the highest level this year, which would translate into 93 seats in the 200-seat Chamber of Deputies. Prime Minister Petr Fiala's Spolu alliance could count on 17.1% of the vote, while its current coalition partner STAN would receive 10.9%. Czechia will hold the next parliamentary election this autumn. Ipsos agency expert Michal Kormanak told Denik N that a parliamentary majority for ANO is "much closer than ever."
- Defence Minister Jana Cernochova played down the potential for a reintroduction of mandatory military service, noting that "at the moment it is about trying to recruit as many professional soldiers and active reserve members into the army as possible."
- The unemployment rate ticked higher to 4.4% in February from 4.3%, despite expectations of an unchanged reading. On the other hand, the CT news wire noted that there was also an increase in vacancies.
- Czechia's trade surplus widened to CZK20.0bn in January from CZK8.6bn prior, beating the consensus forecast of CZK15.0bn.
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