September 20, 2024 12:59 GMT
POWER: FR-BE Jao Auction Clearing Price Diverge On Month
Allocated capacity in the Belgium to French direction in the latest CBC auctions for delivery in October on JAO cleared up on the month, while the price in the other direction cleared lower.
- In the Belgium-France direction, 375MW of offered capacity was allocated at €1.60/MWh compared to 399MW allocated at €1.37/MWh for Sept delivery.
- In the France-Belgium direction, 557MW was allocated at €9.50/MWh down from 489MW allocated at €12.07/MWh in the previous months auction.
- The French October power base-load contract settled at €55.79/MWh on 19 Sept, at a €8.59/MWh discount to the Belgian market.
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