September 05, 2024 11:26 GMT
POWER: Polish Renewable Producers Granted Less Subsidies Amid Negative Prices
Poland saw negative power prices for three days in August for seven consecutive hours, which limited support for renewable power produces, Polish energy regulator URE said.
- A certificate of origin – typically used as a method of support for developers – is not granted for RES electricity when weighted day-ahead market prices are below 0 PLN/MWh for at least six consecutive hours.
- Weighted day-ahead prices in Poland on 10 August, 11 August and 25 August met that criterion, with weighted prices reaching as low as PLN-223.71/MWh for hour 14-15 on 10 August.
- As a result, energy producers must correct their certificate of origin applications via power system operators submitted to URE.
- This trend of negative prices is likely to continue in Poland as the country continues to expand its wind and solar capacity in the coming decades.
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