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President Milei Will Review His Cabinet After Omnibus Bill Resolution

  • President Milei said that he would review his entire cabinet after the omnibus bill is either approved or not. He made the comments in an interview with LN+ on Thursday after earlier local media reports that he was considering firing Cabinet Chief Nicolas Posse. He also said that he would begin to reduce a tax which is applied to FX purchases, if his reform bill is passed.
  • The omnibus bill was approved in the lower house last month, but remains stalled in the Senate where the government requires more support from other parties for approval. Milei has suggested that a vote could come in June or July.
  • Separately, Economy Minister Luis Caputo said yesterday that the government had received “100% adhesion” to its offer for debts owed to energy companies stemming from state-run wholesaler Cammesa.
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  • President Milei said that he would review his entire cabinet after the omnibus bill is either approved or not. He made the comments in an interview with LN+ on Thursday after earlier local media reports that he was considering firing Cabinet Chief Nicolas Posse. He also said that he would begin to reduce a tax which is applied to FX purchases, if his reform bill is passed.
  • The omnibus bill was approved in the lower house last month, but remains stalled in the Senate where the government requires more support from other parties for approval. Milei has suggested that a vote could come in June or July.
  • Separately, Economy Minister Luis Caputo said yesterday that the government had received “100% adhesion” to its offer for debts owed to energy companies stemming from state-run wholesaler Cammesa.