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Recovery off Thursday's low of..........>

MNI (London)
EURO-DOLLAR: Recovery off Thursday's low of $1.1206 extended to $1.1227 ahead of
the close at $1.1221. Positive comments concerning progress in Sino-US trade
talks provided a general boost to risk and allowed rate to edge up to $1.1229,
though trade in Asia was contained within a tight range of $1.1219/29. Hourly
resistance noted at $1.1233 with stronger resistance remaining between
$1.1245/55. Germany IP to be released at the top of the hour, market median
0.5%mm, -1.4%yy. Following release of poor Germany Factory Orders Thursday,
market expectations will be marked lower. US Employment Report this afternoon
remains key on the day. 
- Option expiries of note today $1.1200 for E1.08bn, $1.1250 for E2.17bn. 
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |

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