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REPEAT: Australia Nov Job Ads Point to Positive Labor Mkt

Repeats Story Initially Transmitted at 01:34 GMT Dec 4/20:34 EST Dec 3
     SYDNEY (MNI) - Job advertisements in Australia rose month-on-month for the
second straight month, with the year-on-year growth pace at a solid +12.1%,
pointing to a positive outlook for employment gains.
     Data published by ANZ Monday showed jobs ads rose 1.5% m/m in November, the
same as October, though the trend slowed slightly to +0.7% m/m from +0.8%.
     But even as the outlook for employment remains positive, the key for the
Reserve Bank of Australia is how fast this results in a pickup in wage growth.
The RBA is hopeful that as labor market slack diminishes, wage growth will start
to pick up. At the same time, it is cautious because experience in other
developed economies has shown that wage growth is slow to pick up even after the
unemployment rate has fallen below what was previously regarded as full
     From the ANZ job-advertisement survey for November:
                             November                     October
Job Ads (SA*, Change M/M)       +1.5%  +1.5% (revised from +1.4%)
Job Ads (SA*, Change Y/Y)      +12.1%                      +12.5%
Job Ads (Trend, Change M/M)     +0.7%                       +0.8%
Job Ads (Trend, Change Y/Y)    +12.8%                      +12.9%
--MNI Sydney Bureau; tel: +61 2-9716-5467; email:

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