Feb 13, 2025 - 6:05 PM
US TSYS/SUPPLY: Review: 30Y Bond Auction Tail
Treasury futures hold onto higher levels - little reaction to a 1.3bp tail, USH5 currently 114-25 (+112) after the $25B 30Y auction (912810UG1) tailed: 4.748% high yield vs. 4.735% WI; 2.33x bid-to-cover vs. 2.52x in the prior month.
- Peripheral measures has indirect take-up 65.08% vs. 66.63% prior; direct bidder take-up 18.58% vs. 20.71% prior; primary dealer take-up 16.34% vs. 12.66% prior.
- The next 30Y auction (re-open) is tentatively scheduled for March 13.
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