February 26, 2025 18:04 GMT
US TSYS/SUPPLY: Review 7Y Auction: 10Bp Stop, Treasuries Extend Highs
- Tsys futures extend highs (TYM5 currently 110-22.5 last, +5) after the $44B 7Y note auction (91282CMR9) stops 10bp through with 4.194% high yield vs. WI of 4.204%; bid-to-cover steady at 2.64x.
- Peripheral stats: Indirect take-up slips to 66.06% vs. 67.08% prior; Direct take-up 25.16% vs. 23.06% prior; Dealers take 8.78% vs. 9.86% prior.
- The next 7Y Treasury auction is tentatively scheduled for March 27.
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