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Some really decent two-way volume in 2s....>

US SWAPS: Some really decent two-way volume in 2s over last couple hours (>$1.5B
nominal) better rate receiving as front end spds reverse early move/turn
tighter, better receivers in 3s around 2.36022-2.3723%, better payers on net in
5s from 2.34761-2.36947%, receiver flys: 2s3s10s and 3s5s7s on decent volume.
Spds started to narrow as swappable supply started to to gain momentum. Latest
spd levels:
Time (ET)   2Y Swap/Mid   5Y Swap/Mid   10Y Swap/Mid   30Y Swap/Mid
12:00       -0.25/11.62   +0.12/5.19     +0.06/+0.31   +0.62/-22.75
10:30       +0.00/11.88   +0.31/5.38     +0.44/+0.69   +1.12/-22.25
Mon Open    +0.31/12.19   +0.19/5.25     +0.50/+0.75   +1.00/-22.38
Fri 3:00    +0.44/11.88   +1.12/5.00     +0.62/+0.12   +1.38/-23.38

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