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The passing of the Letwin-Cooper Bill.........>

MNI (London)
CABLE: The passing of the Letwin-Cooper Bill provided sterling with some added
buoyancy in Asia, further extending cable's recovery off its Friday, post NFP,
low of $1.2987 to $1.3081 in Asia. Some suggest that the passage of this Bill
seen as cosmetic as PM May was already due to visit Germany and France today in
an effort to get the EU to agree an Article50 extension, UK proposing until
Jun30 (some suggestions that time actually needed could extend into the early
part of next year). The European open drew in further demand which has taken
rate to an extended high of $1.3095, with corrective pullbacks so far holding
shallow. Conservative/Labour talks continue but nothing positive heard so far.
Resistance seen from $1.3095 through to $1.3110, a break to open a move on
toward $1.3120/25 ahead of $1.3150. Support $1.3055/50 ahead of $1.3035/30. A
light data calendar Tuesday though Brexit headlines to remain the key driver of
sterling direction.    
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |

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